Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 8 - March 31, 2014 - So much to say, no time to say it!

Hello everyone! 
Okay, so much happened this week, but we never have much time to write...such a bummer! First of all the other hermanas had a baptism for a lady who is eight months pregnant! It was really pretty cool, and we were excited that she did not want to wait until after she had the baby to be baptized :) We did not have baptisms this last week, but right now we have 4 scheduled for Friday. Three of them are certain, but there is one man who still has a lot of questions. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens! Jose, the old man we have been teaching, is for sure going to get baptized, and he is hilarious. Yesterday when we went to pick him up for church, he was not even a little bit ready, and insisted that he make soup before church. We did not have time for that, so we told him we would make his soup while he got ready. He wanted to supervise though, and would not get ready for the longest time! Luckily a member came and waited for him so we could go to church, but we still ended up being really late. 

Testimony meeting here is so different! The bishop told everyone no stories, just testimonies, and then practically the whole ward got up to share their testimony. A member would share a 15 second testimony, and then quickly they would move onto the next person. I would guess 40 people shared testimonies! Crazy! The weather here is unpredictable. Some mornings it is blazing hot, and by the evening it is POURING rain. We come home soaked! I have a rash from the sun :( but it is okay! :) One member who fed us lunch this week had just returned from Columbia. He brought home so many candies, and wanted us to try them all. It was super nice of him, but they were way too sweet, so the other Hermanas and I had the hardest time eating them. He kept bringing out more and more and MORE! By the end, we were all laughing and cheering each other on, becuause we literally could not eat anymore! It was horrible! A man told me something this week, and since I did not understand I just smiled. Later my companion told me that he said we are getting married. Hah! Oops! I do not want that! Good news though, the Spanish is actually starting to sound like Spanish. They have a lot of different words here, but they are starting to make sense to me. Sometimes I get really excited about something, and half way through my sentence I realize I do not know the words to what I want to say. It is embarrassing! Oh well :) The computers here are awful, and I have not found one that let's me send photos! Hopefully soon! Anyways! Have a great week! 
Hermana Roestenburg

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