Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 14 - May 13, 2014 - It's raining, it's POURING

Hello everyone! :) This week I decided that Sister Maeghan Peters is the smartest person in the world because she starts out her weekly letters with all of her adventures...Sooo, I am going to copy her :)
Here are my fun facts of the week!
1. Hermana Peralta and I got kicked out of a taxi after the taxi driver drove us to the wrong place
2. There was a rainstorm one night, and the city honestly looked like a river! We had to walk through 12 inches of water! 
3. We visited a member in the hospital, and the hospitals here look like something out of a WW2 movie. It was one big room with 50 beds lined up against the wall. 
4. I had two boys greet me with a kiss, and I was SO embarrassed! I know it is a part of their culture, but it was horrible! 
5. The elders in my zone found a Dominos add with a picture of a girl on it. They said she looks like me, and have asked me everyday since to bring them pizza.
6. I saw one man carrying a bucket of dead fish, one man carrying a dead chicken, and one man carrying three dead birds all in one day :)
7. I talked to my family for Mother's Day and realized I cannot speak Spanish or English! Oh dear...
As far as missionary work goes :) things went really well this week! In the beginning of the week, we dropped a lot of investigators because they just were not progressing. At first, I was really sad about it, but later, during my personal study, I read a scripture about people who are ready to accept the gospel with joy. This gave me hope, and I knew we just had to find these people! :) Well later that day, we met a lady named Estela. She invited us into her house, and loved our message. She had a hard time understanding me because of my acccent, but when I asked her to be baptized, she said "YES!" At first we thought maybe she did not understand me, so Hermana Peralta asked her again, and she said, "Yes, I want to be baptized!"
Later on that day, two other ladies accepted a baptism date! One of them we have been working with FOREVER, and I am soo excited for her :) The other, Gina, we met one day when we were looking for her brother. She loves the church, and is always so excited to learn more.
We had a conference with our mission president yesterday, and he stressed the importance of remembering who we are. He said that if we constantly live up to who we are, being obedient will come naturally, and we will be successful missionaries. He also told us that in July an apostle is going to come speak to us. However, only the missionaries serving within 2 hours of Guayaquil city get to listen to him! So we are all hoping and praying that we are one of the few that get to hear him :)
Well, I hope you all had a great Mother's Day! I love you all!!
Hermana Roestenburg

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